Saturday 9 April 2011


A living exhibition presented by Laura Jean Woolley is a thought provoking example of 'live fine art'. Through the use of drama, technology and participation you are encouraged to understand the importance and meaning of the LIFE... Campaigns.

The Participants are to have an active role within the campaigns and this is done through the completion of simple activities or instructions that provoke thought whilst being carried out. Being involved also adds to the experience and makes you feel as though you are helping to make change as well as raising awareness.




The names of the installation spark  intrigue and as you embark on your own personal journey, it goes deep. The installations were artistic, imaginative and inspiring. A truly welcomed and refreshing offering of things to come on the emerging Arts and culture scene in the Midlands. Keep your eyes peeled for more from   Laura Jeane Woolley in the not to distant future.



1 comment:

  1. I like this contemporary ideas, but sometimes I think its to much. And this type of art I find it very scandinavian. cheers


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